| Home | Signup NOW! | Lookup Rates | Terms | Agent Opportunity | iPhoneBill True Cost Program (PATENT PENDING) InformationLong Distance telephone service for as little as 2.9¢ per minute
How can we offer rates as low as 2.9 cents a minute?In order to answer that, it is important to understand the cost components of a long distance call. Essentially, there are 3 costs: We have contracted with one of the nation's largest InterExchange Carriers to segregate the cost components of each call. The LEC origination and termination charges, which are federally tariffed, are passed directly through to us by the IXC, and a flat rate is charged for the long haul portion of each interstate and intrastate long distance call. The ResultSince the origination leg in some areas is next-to-nothing, and the termination leg in other areas is very low or non-existent, there are now certain areas of the nation that will enjoy rates as low as 2.9 cents per minute, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, with no minimumsNote 1, no fees, and 6 secondNote 2, secure online incremental billing.
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Note 1 - There is a minimum amount of $5.00 that can be charged to a customer's credit card. If usage + taxes is less than $5.00, then the credit card will be charged $5.00 and the remainder will be carried forward into the next month as a credit. Note 2 - All calls are billed in 6 second increments after the first minute. There are no fees, No Minimums, all rates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. |