Cheapest I-Net Telephony and FREE PC-To-Phone
Welcome to Calling Card Frenzy's Cheapest I-Net Telephony and FREE PC-To-Phone Section of the website. Over here you will find the Cheapest I-Net Telephony and PC-To-Phone in the world as well as some other really good Cheap I-Net Telephony and PC-To-Phone companies. If you are not sure which company to choose, you may use our Free World-Wide Rate Comparison Engine; or if that isn't helpfull for you, you can also check out the graphs on the Compare Rates page and decide for yourself which company is best for you. Just for the record, I'll tell you that if you leave your cursor over a link (the ones on th very left), it will give you a short despcription.;-)If your still confused, then try our F.A.Q., that should help. Thank you for shopping at Calling Card Frenzy.
iConnectHere brings you calling plans that will best suit your needs.
Currently offering the Millennium Plan for $9.95, iConnectHere gives
you 1000 minutes to calls within US and Canada as well as 250 minutes
to selected areas of Europe and Asia. The By the Minute Plan will
save you up to 75% - calls to the US are only 2.9 cents a minute,
or try the North American Calling Plan in which you can make 400
minutes of calls for $4.99 a month!
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Roaming Calling Card
your iConnectHere account as a calling card! With global roaming from 11
toll-free locations, online call details, and our low per minute rates, our
Calling Card Plan is a great companion when you're on the go.
Join now - and get 70 Calling Card Minutes
Free with the purchase of $25 card Click
Here |
Services available with
Net2Phone: |
Take the advantage of your PC - make your International
calls by using Net2Phone and pay only a fraction of the
price you would be paying to your phone company!
Click here to view the International rates!
VOIP Calling Card
Take the advantage of your PC - make your International
calls by using Net2Phone and pay only a fraction of the
price you would be paying to your phone company!
Click here
to view the International rates!